
surface wipe drug test kit

Drug Test Surface Wipes

Workplace drug testing can also include drug screens of surfaces in buildings, vehicles and equipment. This can help identify areas of concern, and be valuable in formulating action plans for...

Drug Test Surface Wipes

Workplace drug testing can also include drug screens of surfaces in buildings, vehicles and equipment. This can help identify areas of concern, and be valuable in formulating action plans for...

Drug test cups workplace drug testing UK

Drug Test Cups

Drug test cups for workplace drug testing. Having a complete collection and rapid drug testing kit, built into a well designed and produced urine cup, makes workplace sample collection and...

Drug Test Cups

Drug test cups for workplace drug testing. Having a complete collection and rapid drug testing kit, built into a well designed and produced urine cup, makes workplace sample collection and...

Workplace drug testing visor UK

Drug Testing Employees ~ Using Workplace Drug &...

Many changes hove occurred in workplace environments in 2020. New social distancing measures have been introduced since we last gave guidance on best practice for workplace drug and alcohol testing.

Drug Testing Employees ~ Using Workplace Drug &...

Many changes hove occurred in workplace environments in 2020. New social distancing measures have been introduced since we last gave guidance on best practice for workplace drug and alcohol testing.

Drug use teenagers UK

Drug & alcohol habits in today's teenagers

Drugs, alcohol and teenagers With the relaxing of the lock down restrictions in the UK, and lots of teenagers returning to school and college, or going off to university, we...

Drug & alcohol habits in today's teenagers

Drugs, alcohol and teenagers With the relaxing of the lock down restrictions in the UK, and lots of teenagers returning to school and college, or going off to university, we...

ETG Test Strips

ETG Test Strips

What are ETG test strips and how are they used Essentially ETG (ethyl glucuronide) is a reliable metabolite, breakdown by-product, or biomarker for alcohol use long after the detectable alcohol has...

ETG Test Strips

What are ETG test strips and how are they used Essentially ETG (ethyl glucuronide) is a reliable metabolite, breakdown by-product, or biomarker for alcohol use long after the detectable alcohol has...

drug and alcohol testing PPE

Safe Workplace Drug & Alcohol Testing During A ...

Current levels of drug and alcohol use The levels of drug and alcohol problems statistically increase during period of national crisis and the current pandemic is no exception. Employers need...

Safe Workplace Drug & Alcohol Testing During A ...

Current levels of drug and alcohol use The levels of drug and alcohol problems statistically increase during period of national crisis and the current pandemic is no exception. Employers need...